Monday, May 16, 2011

Busy Bees

We finally moved to Salt Lake- we have everything unpacked and the apartment is looking really great. We took Brad and Mandy to Ikea last weekend and got everything else we needed, plus some, including three bookshelves for Scott and I and our collection (but really, mostly Scott's collection).

We also got to spend the day at Liberty Park which was a lot of fun, and we found a new sushi restaurant with 50% off sushi all day every day. We got 5 amazing rolls for under $30, and that was getting all fancy rolls, a simple tuna roll cost 2.00 so you could really go cheap if you wanted to. I also got my Costco membership and have been using it a bit more than I probably should, but who can pass up Spinach Artichoke Dip and Sweet Potato Fries?! I mean, c'mon Costco, you have hooked me with your a-little-bit-cheaper-than-Smith's Bolthouse Smoothies and Various Assorted Cheeses- HAVARTI, I love Havarti- and you knew it. So just about $300 later and two weeks into our apartment, we are stocked up and the freezer is protesting. (I used some mad tetris skills to get it all in there)

We are doing great though, having a fantastic time. We have already watched the first season of Three's Company (sounds impressive but since there were only six 30 minute episodes the first season, it is a pretty minor accomplishment) and are super excited for our Jack-Chrissie-Janet lifestyle. For those of you who aren't clued in, my very wonderful and lovely friend Mandy has so graciously moved in with Scott and I and we are all being roommates to save a bit of money in expensive Salt Lake (compared to Logan- which is dirt cheap) and to have a lot of fun. Scott and Mandy keep each other company while I am at work, and Mandy will keep me company in the fall when Scott commutes to Logan. We all enjoy games, food and fun. Most people think it is weird, but it works for us, we all get along quite well and this will be a great temporary situation for all of us while we get our feet fresh out of college.

Work is still going really well, I feel very blessed to have found a job in this economy with such a great company. Scott is still trucking along with psychology, loves every minute of it, and is working to find volunteer opportunities this Summer because with all of the events in our lives there is no way he can get a job, but we are fine financially with my job, so him building up his resume a bit more will work just great.

I am not kidding about the busy Summer part- I was thinking about it this morning, and our new church members are going to either forget we ever existed from our first few attendances, or they will think we have gone inactive. We have family reunions, weddings, baby showers, vacations, etc. It is going to be a lot of fun, but literally almost every weekend is planned from now until August. With my new camera in tote I will be sure to document all of these events and more, and hopefully, by the end of the Summer I will be a better blogger. Considering where my starting point is at, I don't have to reach too far to achieve that goal, but hey- if you set low expectations you can't be disappointed!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Things I want to do this year: Number 1

See that link? It is how to make marshmallow fondant! Now, I have never been a baker, and I have most definitely never decorated a cake, but with this amazing recipe, I am going to try my very best to make an awesome cake. I don't know who my victim will be yet, but I am very excited to try it!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Two years

Well, it has been officially two years since Scott and I remet. I am such a lucky girl to have him in my life, he is so sweet, all the time, I can't ever think of a time when he put me down or said something to make me feel bad. He treats me so well, and I know I am so blessed to have that. I don't think I deserve it all the time, but he gives it anyway.

My friend Morgan introduced me to the best blog I have ever seen, you have to check it out. The blog Love Actually ( has the cutest ideas to make every day special with your special someone. My belated new years resolution is to do that more often.

My last blog was about spending quality time with my husband and making every day count. For christmas my mom bought me a frame that I had been eyeing for awhile, with my favorite quote ever: "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you will look back and realize they were big things." I am trying so hard to learn to love every day, especially in this time in my life when I just want to fast forward and get to the good parts.

I have to sit back and remind myself to enjoy the moments because time flys by way too fast. I still remember the first time Scott and I got together for dinner, we had so much fun, and it has been so much fun ever since. I am working hard to enjoy every moment that we get together and see that I am lucky for every day I get with him. I am so grateful for the last two years, for the love and joy that they have brought me, and as I do reflect on all the little moments, they have made one big thing that has made all the difference in my world.