Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So as you may or may not know, I am a Broadcast Journalism Major, and as part of that I participate in the Newscast class. We put on two shows a week that are broadcast over USU's cable network, but we also post shows online. Feel free to check out our website and watch some of our stuff!



I am taking a poetry class. Here are a few of the poems I have written so far:
I have carried people too long
I am worn and broken down
My time is almost up
One more use and then I will expire
Please use me wisely
I can't risk another fall
The time has come
for someone else to carry me
Cradle me, care for me, love me
I'm letting myself go
I'm opening up to you
I'm so fragile
You run your fingers over me
It is so blatant strengthonce resided there
but now, one wrong move,
and I may crumble
Please don't hurt me
Carry me forward
Don't drop me
Or else I may disappear into the past.
Glued in a Memory
She places her hand on the soft place next to her-
his old favorite spot.
A tender warmth rises within her
as memories flood around the room

of his eyes, and their pools of desire,
his lips and their gentle tuliped touch,
the way his hands would touch her cheek,
and the way he filled every gap.

If he were here, she thinks- but stops herself.
Thinking always gets her into trouble.
But the spectrals are already awoken,
and the night and loneliness consume the din.

He was here at one time,
but when- and where- and why- she knows not.
All she knows now is the surety
that he was once- and now he is not

But her lips remember his touch,
and the bed still cradles his imprint,
carrying his memory like a mother her tender infant,
not unlike she carries him in her heart.

She would say love is a double edged sword
and can't quite decide,
whether or not she agrees that
"it is better to have loved and lost."

Because with more clarity than ever
she can feel the holes again-
and what he once filled,
he has departed from.

Only one sure thing remains- the sunken spot,
the only physical manifestation he was here-
and it is the perfect hollow
to catch the never ending tears.
A Blank Spectrum
Stop, some people are trying to sleep*
While night may greet you with wide eyes
Others prefer to dance in the sun.
Do not disturb that which begs no interruption.
Our differences have made the world grand,
though we may not understand each other
I hope one day we will all see
the same vision.
But until then, let sleeping dragons lie
The intersection is empty.
Your image is fading- a speck on the horizon.
My fingers ache to reach, I resist.
History has proven that discourse is possible.
I have hope that one day our sunrises may blend
Until then, seek the night dear friend.
*Line borrowed from "Chicory at Night," by Sandra McPherson
The Irony of War
We do not pretend we know the words for how we feel*
unless they are grim.
For life is always electrified when the sky is grey.
Senses ignite awake- imps for brutality.
Every taste is acrid.
Thoughts maliciously prick at the brain.
Mutiny infests the cells of the body,
and every hair bends inward.
Magnified, we struggle to survive.
Maintaining control seems insidiously doubtful.
To let defeat spread is disaster.
Painfully trudge- each finger alert to anarchy
The division between the heart and mind is astounding.
They prepare their ranks for battle, but neither can win.
The face, the senses, my body, all a war zone.
Winning is not an option because
we all lose when one wins.
Life is better when we all cooperate.
I am divided, cut, a part of two worlds.
Yet, against their better judgment the organs presses on
Toward my demise.
*Line borrowed from "Disembodied," by Sandra McPherson
A Strangers Apathy
(An Elegy Poem)
The water's been running
Steam engulfs the room
A deep fog settles in
Penetrating sight
I grope for the wall
Tripping over a hairbrush
Reaching the counter
I grasp the edges
of the cool ivory
A scream
A swiping motion
Desperate to reveal my reflection
on the damp glass
Swipe after swipe
there is no progress
My image is lost
Dam the water!
Make it stop
let a cool breeze in
Clear this fog,
let vision reinsue.
Please, I beg you.
Do not cause me to weep longer-
My tears have clouded
everything I've known.
No one answers.
My shoulders collapse
I am defeated
I can no longer see myself
hopelessness is by far
the very worst
purgatory. losing identity.
I shudder.
Silently, the glue dissolves,
I shatter.
The ground welcomes
the stranger- the It- I've become.
What was left, if anything, has vanished.
Reaching the waters edge,
It slips into a decrepit insanity.
Decaying, It lets the water consume my body whole.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Girls Night

Mandy Booth and I had a girls night in on Saturday. Here is a picture of her and I sleeping under my bed. My bed is extremely high off the ground, so we made a fort underneath it and slept there.
We went shopping beforehand and got apples, peanut butter, kettle chips, Naked juice (mango flavor), and Mambas.
When we got to my house we made our bed, then we spent the evening as follows:

Bathing suit Bubble Bath for Two with Lavendar Scented Salts and Bubbles
Pedicures for two, Pink for me, Silver for Mandy
When Harry Met Sally Movie + Cuddle Buddy Session in our Fort (as depicted by picture)
Girl Talk on a variety of topics

We really enjoyed ourselves. In the morning we had the LLC free Continentla Breakfast. We both got fruit and muffins and came back up, chatted for a bit, and went our seperate ways to church.

It was fun. I need girls night more often.


I stole four apples from the Marketplace.

Okay...okay...here is my reasoning. The Marketplace is an all you can eat buffet, and I rarely eat all I can eat. I could have eaten these apples there, but I would much rather eat them as a snack later tonight with my organic Adam's Peanut Butter.

Second, the fruit at The Marketplace always goes rotten, so I am doing a service by not wasting food.

Last, it was never my decision to close at 7:00. The owners very well know that college students stay up until 2:00 AM, so I feel no remorse for packing away a midnight snack.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I have a cold... ick.

I hate being sick, it is the absolute worst. I have a cold, and I think they may be one of the worst illnesses? Why you ask? Well, let me tell you.
When you have a cold you aren't quite sick enough to legitimately stay home, but you aren't well enough to feel like going out. You have to force yourself to get up and out of bed, and the whole time you are out working or going to school or whatever you do, your focus is limited because all you can think about is how sick you are.
My symptoms are as follows: a slow nasal drip accompained by severe congestion, pressure all over my head, partnered with a headache that makes me want to take a hammer to my head. I have also had a sore throat the last few days, and I think my illness has led me to grind my teeth in my sleep, because there is an abnormal build-up of pressure in my molars.
Basically, I just want to screw my head off and set it somewhere else for a week, because it stinks. The rest of my body is well I suppose, but it is hard to function when everywhere around your brain is screaming at you.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I forgot how much I love dancing. I went to all the dances in high school, and had the best time. Lately I have been dancing a lot more and it is fantastic!

I have been taking a modern dance class and I am really enjoying myself. We have been doing some improv dancing which is just fun and spontaneous, I really look forward to the class.

I also went country dancing tonight with one of my best friends, Mandy Booth, and that was a blast. I want to go more often.

Not only is dancing such a fun release, but it is great exercise, so I am satisfied with this reinvention of self that I am coming upon. It's like I've stumbled on a piece of myself that I lost in the last few crazy years, and the discovery is surprisingly refreshing. I can embrace this.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Meet Grant

So, I am dating someone new. He is fantastic, just for the record. His name is Grant, he is a USU graduate student getting his M.B.A. in Business. He is from Kaysville, Utah, and turned 24 on Friday, September 19th, which coincidentally is National Talk Like a Pirate Day- and you thought April Fools Day was cool. He served his mission in Mozambique, which for those of you who didn't pay attention in geography class, is in Africa, and I think that is so cool. Wanting to be an avid traveler myself, I often get jealous of the cool places people have been. He also spent his summer in Peru- double jealous.

We get along really well and always have a fun time, so I just wanted to introduce him to everyone.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A new blog

I know, I know. I am blogger extraordinaire. I now have three blogs, although, starting, well, now...you may only view two. One has become a more personal endeavor and I wish to keep some things personal. I still have my professional blog, Poppycock of Print and Politics, which I invite you to check out because I will be updating it with all of my new Utah Statesman and Aggie Television pieces, so keep posted. This blog will be my fun blog, and I hope to begin to take more pictures to make it interesting. I want to document my wonderful life, and I hope you will join me in the journey.