Sunday, January 25, 2009

USU Budget Cuts video

Here is the news piece I did on the USU budget cuts. Enjoy.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Utah higher education is under attack.

It is notnews to anyone that our nation is experiencing a time of extreme financial crisis. Every state is making cut backs, and budget cuts are neccesary. However, far too often the first cuts are made from education, and this time is no exception, but this time, as my friend Justin put it, "They aren't just making cuts, they are severing limbs."

The Utah State Legislature has proposed to make a 19% budget cut on higher education, which will take place immediatly. If this happens, USU will lose $30 million and over 660 jobs. Basically, 1 out of every 5 jobs will be lost at USU. The affects of this bill will be severe:

-Loss of academic programs, some have already been lost. The USU Theatre program was the most recent cut.
-Higher tuition costs, which have already risen $600 since I started school, without a budget crisis. It has been said that students wouldn't be asked to carry the burden of more than 1/3 of the new costs, but that is still a huge sum.
-Loss of untenured faculty, and any faculty who does not teach classes required for graduation.
-Fewer student services will be offered, campus police and maintanence have already been targeted, student leadership and activities will be targeted next.
-Loss of over 600 on-campus jobs, including several student jobs, and quite possibly my own.

USU's President, Stan Albrecht declared this the greatest financial crisis the university has ever faced, and the repercussions of it would set the university back by over a decade.

However, there is a slightly better option. The governor has proposed an 11% cut. With his proposal USU would still lose $17 million, and 373 job cuts over two-and-a-half years, but it is much better than what congress is proposing.

This is my opinion on this entire matter. My generation did not cause the economic crisis our country is facing, but we will be the ones to bear the burden. We will be the ones working to get our nation back on its feet. The only thing that we have going for us is our education, it is the one thing we have to prepare us to deal with an awful economy, and it is being taken away from us. I feel like my generation just can't win. I wish that the legislators and oher lawmakers could understand the toll these cuts are going to take on USU, it is going to completely change the university I know and love.

The saddest part, is that there are currently talks going on in congress of more waves of cuts to come. It would not just be nearly 20%, but it could be even more.

Please take the time to write your legislator about this issue. Also, tell anyone you can about this issue. It is so important.

Next Friday, January 30, 2009, Students from all over Utah are gathering at the capitol to protest the legislatures proposal and to show support for the governors plan. It is our hope that we can show the legislature just how much damage will be done.

This is my future, I care deeply about it.

It is going to take US and U to save USU.

I just wanted to let everyone know this is a huge issue, and will impact so many things. Thanks for listening to this issue, and anything you can do, especially writing your legislators would be great.


So I got to anchor for the first show of the semester for ATV News. It was definitely a first show, lots of errors, but it is funny, so I encourage you all to go watch it.

If you watch it after January 26, you will have to click on Archives on the right and go to the January 19, 2009 show.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A new year.

It has taken me awhile to write this post. First and foremost I got a nasty nasty virus that had me out for nearly three weeks. I have almost completely recovered, however, I still have a cough, which is very very annoying, and I am still trying to get my eating habits back to normal. It is very hard to eat when you couldn't for so long, but I am getting better every day.

School is going very well, and I have a much lighter load this semester, only 13 credits, and I quit writing for The Statesman, so that leaves me a lot more time as well. I am enjoying my classes so far, and should have an enjoyable semester. Only one more year left after this semester.

Our family is doing very well. We love our new puppy Roxy, and I miss her very much already. She is a total stinker and chews on everything, but she is so cute that it is hard to be mad at her for long. Ash has been sick with Bronchitis the last few weeks, so we all had our fair share of illness, but she is getting better. Chelsea just celebrated her 17th birthday on Sunday, and is sprouting like a bean pole. Us three Anderson girls are pretty much made of the same mold, ith slight variations, but back to back we are basically the same height. It is nice for me, because when I go home I get to pack quite lightly, knowing I can wear my sisters clothes quite comfortably.

Things are well, there is a lot for me to consider in the next year and a half, deciding still what I want to do with my life, but I am trying to take it one day at a time and just enjoy the ride.

I love love LOVE Elder Wirthlins last talk, and have adopted it as my credo since I heard it, "Come what may, and love it." And I try.