Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Job

So I got a new job at a sushi restaurant here in Logan, called Takara Sushi. It is a decent job. I work 4-5 shifts a week, and so far the worst shift I had I got $35.00 in tips, it was a Tuesday lunch shift, and I worked for 5 hours, so I was still making $7.00 an hour, not too bad by Utah standards. My best shift was insane, I worked a Saturday lunch by myself and made $73.00 in tips! We pool the tips with the other servers and with the Sushi chefs, so in the end I get about 30% of the days entire tips, so we get pretty decent business.

I am really getting the hang of it, although there isn't a whole lot of room for mistakes. The sushi chefs who own the business can get pretty nasty at the slightest mess ups, but that is the only downside.

Scott is looking for a second job to hold down during the summer in addition to his job he already has as maintanence mow guy and brick mover at EKS Storage :P He has some connections at the Coppermill Restaurant here in Logan, and is probably going to work there with catering.

I get to move in to my summer apartment on Sunday, and am a little bummed I have to do it on the sabbath, but I have to work at Dance Fest all day tomorrow and Saturday, so I probably won't be able to do it until Sunday, and I have to be out of my current apartment by then, but can't move into the new apartment until the 2nd, so it is all a bit of a mess, and is rather inconvenient.

Finals wrapped up three hours ago. I feel alright about this semester, although I can't seem to get over the B+ I received in Interior Design. I did the math, and I did infact get an 89%, only because I missed three in-class quizzes. It seems a little unfair to me, but oh well. I will probably end up with a B in media law as well, but I feel better about that one because it was an incredibly difficult class and I worked my butt off. So not my best semester grade wise, but luckily I have a good amount of GPA padding to keep me well above the 3.5 mark.

It should be a crazy fun summer. I get to live with Amanda again, she one of my dearest friends, so that will make things exciting, and I also purchased a bike last week to help me get around town. I am looking into getting a basket, because then I could just go get my grocerys that way too.

Things are still good, working hard as usual, but still having a pretty nice time.

1 comment:

Forever Fitch Family said...

Way to go Linds. I am glad to see that you are not being to hard on yourself, because from what I heard, read, and saw, you definitely worked your butt off. Hopefully this job stands to your liking and it is something that will keep you happy. Best of luck to Scott, I really hope he can find something else also. Love ya tonz, Lori