Thursday, April 2, 2009

Best Birthday Ever!

Today was a great day, I really had a wonderful birthday! Thank you to everyone who helped make this a great day for me. I recieved several phone calls, texts, cards, facebook messages, and personal birthday wishes that meant a lot to me. My awesome friends Mandy and Amanda got me a sweet guitar strap, that is leather with a pretty red floral accent, thanks guys! Shari got me some lavendar bubble bath I can't wait to use, and Scott really went above and beyond... brace yourselves, my friend Mandy started to tear up...

I needed a new swimming suit and so we went last week and picked me out some board shorts to go with a top I had ordered offline. I didn't want him spending a ton on me, and I wanted to keep things simple, so we found a cute pair of board shorts at JC Penney that worked perfectly! So I was pretty busy today, but we got to go to a Mystery Dinner my organization was putting on, which was really quite fun, and then we headed over to my girlfriends apartment to play games and relax. We finally got done with that and walked home, and Scott got my gift out of his car. It was in a shoebox looking package, so I was relieved that he hadn't outdone himself. Well, he hands me the box and it is HEAVY. When I open it there is a big bag of gummie bears- my favorite!, my swimsuit, and the book "A brave new world" which I have wanted to read for a long time. He is so thoughtful and he really pays attention to the things I like. Then he tells me there is more. He pulls out a tiny box and says, "This is really just an April Fools Joke." Okay so I think you know where my mind flew first, but I opened up the tiny white box and inside is a pair of big pearl earrings, about the size of a penny, just the pair I had been wanting! I loved them, ha ha but he bought them as a joke because he thought they were huge- just one of those fashion differences between boys and girls, haha- anyway, I am putting them on and he leans in and says, "They are a joke because I got you real ones." REAL ONES?! I was freaking out. He pulls out another box and inside are a pair of pearl earrings with a matching necklace. IT was so sweet and thoughtful, I was so giddy. I couldn't believe it, he really outdid himself.

Basically, I have found a real keeper, this kid is unbelievable and he makes me so happy. He gave me the sweetest card, and to top off my perfect day, when I told him, "You treat me like a princess," his response was, "No, I just treat you how you deserve."


Jamie said... are spoiled!! You guys sounds like a great couple. =}

Forever Fitch Family said...

LOVE IT!!!! he is exactly right, that is how we like them!! Glad it was such a great day!!