Sunday, February 15, 2009

The very good, not so bad, wonderful, very fun Weekend.

I have already had an awesome weekend. On Friday I headed down to Salt Lake with my friends Amanda, Mandy, and Sarah to spend the evening at Sarah's house. Mandy and Sarah were going on a Valentines date, so Amanda and I planned a splendid evening at "home."

Amanda and I invited Joey and Jeff over for pizza and Harry Potter 5. Joey and Jeff both got home from their missions 3 weeks ago. Joey is one of Sarah's best friends, and we all grew close to him by writing him letters his entire mission. Jeff is one of my best friends from High School, we worked together on Student Body, and we also both worked at the Megaplex 8 Movie Theatre. Sarah's parents were kind enough to buy us three Papa Murphey's Pizza's and they also watched the movie with us. It was a lot of fun. It was good to see old friends and have a nice evening enjoying good company.

We spent the evening at Sarah's, and then for lunch on Saturday we went to Sushi, a great way to start off a great Valentines Day. After lunch, which consisted of a Hollywood Roll and a bowl of Miso Soup, Mandy and I drove back to Logan.

My evening was very fun. Over the last few weeks I have gotten in touch with two kids I went to elementary school with, Scott and Brett Kirby. They are twins. I always find it so interesting to see how the little kids I associated with 10 years ago turned out.

Anywho, Scott and I went on a date and I had a blast, and for the first time in several years, I enjoyed myself on Valentines Day. We just had a fun time. We went to Taco Time for dinner and watched part of the Aggie Basketball Game (which we lost.....goodbye to our awesome winning streak....) and then we played in the snow, played Dance Dance Revolution (Which I haven't played for four years, and yes, I still look ridiculous), and watched the movie Hot Rod. Hot Rod is pretty much like Napoleon Dynamite, but with a little bit more of a plot line, and I did laugh about 3x as much in it than I did Napoleon. Overall it was really fun.

Tonight Mandy and I are making a very girly Sunday dinner. Since I got sick I have craved cheese and carbs, so I said we couldn't make anything with those staples. So tonight, we are making a salad with tomatoes and pieces of rotisserie chicken, strawberries with fruit dip, homemade bran muffins, and a side of whole grain rice. We invited "the scotts" to come join us for the evening. Scott Anderson is easily one of my very best friends, we do a lot together. He is a broadcast student as well, so I see him all the time. In fact, this is an example of how I spend too much time with Scott. As broadcast students we are in the video editing lab at really odd hours, like one in the morning. We get crazy ideas, and well, this is what occured last Wednesday-

So Scott Anderson is coming over, and then I also invited Scott Kirby to come over. It should be fun. We are going to play games, and as always, Mandy or I will dominate, because my friends and I are the gaming queens.

Monday, Mandy and I are going to go to lunch at a local mexican restaurant, and then we are going to go see Confessions of a Shopaholic, which looks adorable! I can't wait!

MY weekend has been way chill. I got all my homework done on purpose so that I could enjoy it.

Knowing that you are leaving somewhere in a short amount of time always does an interesting thing to you. It puts everything in perspective. I realized, that all of my best friends will be graduated by the time I get home. Sarah will probably get married while I am gone, Amanda will be off to grad school, and Mandy wants to get out of Utah as fast as she can. It is odd knowing that I only have two more months to enjoy my friends. It is also odd knowing when I get back to Utah State in 2011 I will be one of the oldest girls here, ha ha, and I will have to make all new friends, although I am comforted by the thought that some of my guy friends could very well still be here.

Another thing that has changed is that I no longer feel the need to buy anything, except stuff for my mission. The only things I want to spend my money on now are food and entertainment. I really am just enjoying every last minute I have. I am excited for my mission, but I am going to miss a lot of things too. It will be hard having life go on without me and not being able to actively participate in my loved ones lives. I am also going to miss Harry Potter. I know it is sad, but I seriously will miss not being able to see Harry Potter 6 in theaters. I almost considered pushing my availability date back just so I could see it.

BUT- regardless of a mission, I feel so at peace with my decision. I am very excited to see what this new adventure has in store. It will be different, but I have always liked change.

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