Thursday, February 5, 2009

Newscast, Rally, and Life in General

Last week was easily insane. No doubt about it. I spent several hours of each day planning the rally, organizing the events, and the logistics of the events, but it all paid off in the end.

We got to go to the capitol on Friday, and over 400 students filled the steps. It was an awesome sight. We heard from three legislators, and then got invited in to be recognized in the House and the Senate. The best part of this whole story is we won!!! The 19% budget cut plan was repealed, and now USU will only be experiencing about a 7% cut. Hurray!

As far as my major, and Newscast class goes, I got to anchor again last week for Cache Rendezvous, or features piece. It aired on January 29, 2009, so if you want to go watch that one as well, you can do it at and in the archive section you will see it.

I wrote the script for tomorrows show, and I am very excited about it. The two hosts for the show are my friends Scott and Jason and they are both characters, so hopefully the comical script I wrote for them goes over well.

So far this school year is going great. I am really loving school and where I am at with life. Everything is just real nice, there is nothing really exciting going on for me, but I am very content and happy with what I have, so I really can't complain.

I teach Gospel Doctrine in Sunday School and get to teach this week's lesson as well as speak in Sacrament on Faith, so I have a full plate for Sunday. Along other spiritual lines I am currently doing a 21 day walk with Christ that is so amazing, and I am also taking an awesome institute class on the principles of the gospel. It is the best class ever, our teacher is so well versed and entertaining and I learn so much from him.

I am also doing my radio show on Fridays, from 10-12, and that is going really well. My show is called the Friday Focus, and I play alternative and indie music. Each week I also spotlight an artist, and give some facts and a brief bio on their life, music, upcoming tours, etc. This week I am spotlighting a local artist from Orem, RuRu. I heard him in concert last saturday at a small venue in Provo, and he is coming to play in Logan in two weeks, so I thought the timing was prime.

I have completely healed from my terrible illness, and am finally getting back into my workout routine. It is really nice, I am being real dedicated. My classes dont start until noon each day, but I am getting up at 9:00 to do scripture study, then go get a bite to eat, hit the gym, come back and shower and get ready, and then I head off to class. It is suiting me very well.

This weekend I have a full schedule of fun. Friday I am having a girls night with my friend Shari. We are going to this awesome Italian restaurant, Le Nonne to eat, and then we are going to see He's Just Not That Into You at the theatre. Le Nonne is my FAVORITE place to eat in Logan. The chef is an Italian immigrant and everything is homemade, even the pasta! If you are ever in Logan it is a MUST.

Saturday my friend Scott and I will be shooting Aggie Kitchen, the cooking segment for Cache Rendezvous, and I am going to be cooking Chili Relleno Casserole- so good! Then I am sure the rest of my Saturday will be finishing preparation for Sunday.

Tomorrow is Aggie Basketball, so I will be going to the game. We are 21-1 for the season, and have the best record in the nation! We are nationally ranked too, it rocks. I just don't see any way that we won't make it to the playoffs this year, so that is pretty much awesome.

USU Rocks, all is well, and I love you all!

1 comment:

Forever Fitch Family said...

Yeah Linds.!!! I am so glad to hear that it did not pass. Your hard work paid off. You definitely make great use of your time in a day, I WISH and am trying to get myself alittle more better at using time, you inspire me. Again just love to read your posts. Hey does Chad Walkenhorst sound familiar? He is Aaron counsin, very nice kid, you should look him up sometime. Anyway keep up the AWESOME attitude, you are a great example to many. Love ya tons, Lori