Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Life is Funny

It is funny sometimes how life works out. Meet Scott Kirby, he and I went to Elementary school together in Bountiful. I wish I had a picture of us when we were younger, but we didn't ever play in elementary so I don't. He is swell. I still have full intentions of going on my mission, but he and I are dating. He is awesome, he is way excited for me to serve my mission and is totally supportive. Every time I call home my mom makes sure that I am still planning on leaving, ha ha. Life is just funny like that, it seems whenever you make a plan or are intent on doing something it decides to send you in a very different direction.

Here is a better picture of a Scott, and as a bonus it showcases the "stauch."

1 comment:

Forever Fitch Family said...

Stay close to the Lord and you will know what is right. Your family will support you and your decisions. Love ya tons