Monday, December 1, 2008

Wild Idea

So I decided to try something radical, something totally off the wall, and so I deactivated my facebook account. It will only be for a brief amount of time, how brief is brief is yet to be determined, but I decided to try it out. So far everything seems to be fine, the universe hasn't collapsed, my pulse is regular, and there isn't a mad mob outside my window, so I am assuming that everything will remain normal.

I decided that Facebook was consuming too many meaningless hours of my life, and that it was completely unneccesary for the time being, so I am going to go cold turkey and see how long I can last.

Don't get me wrong, I realize the merits of Facebook as a networking resource, but there comes a point when you just want a phone call from someone, or a regular conversation, and I am tired of hearing pivatol life moments of people via their status, when it would be nice to hear it from them face to face.

And yes, I realize that when you begin writing a post about the fact that you are disconnecting from facebook, that you are practically broadcasting it to the world that your life is not in the least bit interesting. Okay, so my life isn't boring, it is downright crazy and busy, but it is all work stuff, and no one wants to hear about work stuff.

PS It didn't work because my phone broke and then the only way I had to keep in touch with people was Facebook, and now I am completely devoted again...and so goes the life.

1 comment:

Forever Fitch Family said...

I have to disagree. I actually love reading anything and everything you are involved in Linds. You are very good at getting attention and writing so that it is very interesting and fun to read. However I do not blame you for putting face book to rest, but please keep the blog going....I love it. Love, aunt Lori